By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. (Proverbs 24:3-4)

Depression sometimes seems like an unexplainable emotion, but by careful analysis you usually can identify causes or focuses of your depression. Doing this can be the first step in identifying how to deal with it since the mystery or confusion about why you are depressed has been removed. In fact, you may find that the symptoms of depression begin to improve as soon as you realize what the real problems are. Once you identify what the real issues are, it often is better to stop saying, "I'm depressed," and to focus on the under lying problems instead. For example, if the underlying cause of your depression is feeling guilty when you have not done anything wrong, you could say, "I'm battling inappropriate guilt," instead of, "I'm depressed."
Make a personal inventory.
Here are some reasons people give for being depressed.
Rate yourself on a scale of 0-10 on each one.
• "0" means, "I never get depressed over this."
• "10" means, "I really get depressed over this."
My score (0-10)
Rejection by others
Feeling controlled or suppressed by parents
Being ignored by spouse or someone else
Experiencing divorce
Losing a friendship
Being disliked or disapproved of by others
Not being married
Having few friends
Being cooped up at home
Feeling painfully shy
Unmet expectations
Marriage problems
Parenting difficulties
Job, career, or ministry frustrations
Unfulfilled career
Physical abuse
Verbal or emotional abuse
Sexual abuse or rape
Thinking that life is unfair
Thinking that you are unappreciated
Thinking that you are trapped
Thinking that you are a victim
Seeing sinners or non-Christians prosper
Envying others' good circumstances
Thinking people got away with something wrong
Physical condition
Illness, disease, or injury
Physical handicap
Growing older
Your physical appearance
Personal shortcomings
Regrets over past sins
Regrets over past decisions
Failing in marriage
Failing with children
Failing with other family members
Failing in your career
Thinking you are a bad person
Thinking you are unlovable
Thinking you are not a good Christian
Thinking you are not a Christian
Thinking God is mad at you
Criticism or verbal attacks
By parents, spouse, or children
By pastor, boss, teacher, or others
Concern for others
Feeling sorry for other people's problems
Loved ones who are not Christians
Loved ones who died without knowing Christ
Your physical surroundings
Rain or fog
Not liking the city in which you live
Not liking your house
More reasons
Death of someone close to you
Divorced parents
Thinking about evil in the world
Inappropriate guilt or self-condemnation
Feeling angry
Feeling purposeless
Feeling inadequate
Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Other (specify) _
Other (specify) _